Sunday, July 7, 2013

So here it goes , my first post of the kind

Yesterday I had been online, doing research about my friend. She is sort of like me and very cool. So, I am talking and all on facebook, and I feel as if someone taps me on my left shoulder. Somehow I understand it is one of two friends. I keep asking the spirit which one and get a yes or a no. I asked her about it. She said she was 7 years old or so when he died. There seemed to be more than one spirit. But the one coming through was her grandpa. She showed me his picture. The eyes were what I saw. I knew there was more than one spirit as I saw things but her grandpa kept telling me things. He showed me suspenders, cigar and her younger child. Also made my chest feel tight. Turns out that he died of heart failure. He was impatient when I couldn't understand what he wanted, so I told my friend that too. The next day I talked to her and she said she had spoken to her mother. Her mom said that every detail I mentioned were all him. So, validated it was him. Another spirit is waiting will see if I will be correct on who it is for.

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