Monday, September 1, 2014

why do people think that a psychic is a bag of tricks?

So I was talking to someone I know for years, well met them quite a few times over the years. So we are talking and I tell them I Psychic. She says "you think so or know so? " I answer "I know so". She says "who did my father work as?" Now I thought she was asking me abut it and not trying to test me. Either way, why do people think that just because I "CLAIM" , LOL, to be a Psychic, that I will know everything about everyone. Don't you think that would be G-D, not me. Please stop asking Psychics to tell you something about you. Pay attention to how they talk to you and what they say, they will talk intuitively.At times the person might just be tired and not interested in reading you. In fact, does a lawyer give free advice on the street? I don't think so either.

Friday, July 11, 2014

My experiences with angels,

People often ask me about my encounters with angels. Angels come to me in different forms, but normally in a form of telepathy and visions. Once in a while as a spark of actual light. I have met my guardians, some of whom are the arch angels, as well as Samael, goes by another name of Satan. The interesting part about the evil one, as he seems to be perceived, is that at times he is extremely subtle and tricky, yet at times is actually there to give info on a soul that has too much darkness around them and he is the only one who knows that info. He doesn't feel threatening, he, just like the others, comes in the same formless shape. There is no shadow, or dread, just identifies himself by his name. I don't deal with him a lot though. The arch angels come as an extreme feeling of love and protection of G-D. They will let you know which one is which by either giving a name when I ask, or by giving me a vision of what people identify them to look like. Michael has a sword and a shield. Gabriel I forget, Raphael has a medical cross with him, Ariel(Uriel) - is usually a bright light or a lion at times. But all of them have hands and a head, and a long white dress/robe , with out the feet, and at times wings or lack of wings. At times they look like an eagle, even as a bull, depending on the location or circumstance of meditation or where I am physically. All in vision, telepathy. I have seen the cherubs in meditation, and they look exactly as pictured by the images you have seen. I have heard them sing , in fact few other people I knew heard them. It is like a heavenly choir. The way they show in movies, very close to it actually. There are few other things about angels , but most won't agree and argue about, but some angels embody humans. I have seen a few people that I didn't know, and realized later through my abilities, that they were just angels passing by, not really people. Yet there is are at least one or two other people who know they are embodied by angels. Bu don't understand that concept completely. For example, I know that some of the fallen angels are people, because they need to fix what they did wrong in their past. There is a lot more, but I need to dig deeper, as I know that some of the angels are attached to humans and can posses them, but in a good way, in a way that the person is conscious and aware of the angel. As I said though, it isn't something that I have done much research on, but experienced.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Something isn't right in your house ... what do you do ?

Okay, I am not saying something is wrong, but if you feel something is going on spiritually and doesn't feel right, there are things you can do. The first thing is prayer. Next come meditations. Meditation, that I am currently trying to piece together, disperses the evil/negativity around you. But, what you can do is prayer. If for some reason you don't have a religion, or don't believe in the Supreme being, you can still pray for protection. Just because you don't believe or see it, doesn't mean you can't be helped. The next thing I know that really helps, is burning sage, meaning smudging. That means you take dry sage leaves, put them into a thick, ceramic dish, that can handle heat, and light the spices. Be very careful with fire, make sure nothing flies out of the dish. You can also just buy incense sticks. The thing you need is the smoke from sage. You need to bring that smoke (there won't be a lot), from one corner to the next, till all 4 corners of your room had some of the smoke from the spice. Feel free to do so in every room, that you feel needs to have it. When done, as with anything that was burning, put some water in the dish so no fire is left inside. Please practice fire safety.

Connecting with animal souls

If you have a pet and want to connect to it, I can do so if the soul wants to connect. Out of people that I have helped, I had connected to their pets and told them things, that the soul had sad. For me, a soul is a soul. It can be an insect or a horse, or a guinea pig, or a human. They are all connected and are all in the spirit form. At times they appear human, because some were human in another life. I tell it the way I feel and see it in my visions, as well as telepathically. That is the way the spirit world communicates with me. I don't need to be in a trance to do it. But I do ask the soul if it wants to talk. There are times when they aren't ready, or don't feel like it. If they don't, then I tell you if they do.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


I always look for new information and try to read books on topics that interest me on spiritual and Divine topics. I also like helping guide people who have some abilities and are looking to develop them more or open up a channel of communication. I do however advise you not to open up any channels of communication if you are just looking for entertainment. That might not turn out too well. But if you think you might have some extra sensory abilities then you can try to expand them, but only when you feel comfortable. Some that know they have choose not to go with it as the spiritual world scares them.

Monday, February 24, 2014

So here are my current medium experiences

I have been around on a website called reddit, which I enjoy. In the paranormal there are a lot of people who are just looking for answers and some who are there to criticize. I help people who are open minded and want answers. So far everyone I had helped I told them things they verified to be true. I know I am good at what I do but every time I help someone I feel good that I shed some light on it.

For example I told someone about their father or their pet and other things. It brings me pleasure to help people. I will normally tell people things that they haven't yet mentioned.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


So from my experience online I have learned more about skeptics. There seem to be a few types. One, no matter how nice you try to be to them, they will always come up with something to argue about playing out a war that doesn't exist, claiming they are right, having big egos and some being plain out rude calling names those who believe or can do things. They keep asking for proof and to be convinced. How can you convince someone who is asking for proof and makes fun of something you say. You can't, because until they meet someone or go through an experience that will really shock or move them, they won't believe it.

 The other type of skeptics are kinder ones. They will try to explain things scientifically and be polite, explaining that while they believe what is being told, it can be proven in science or medical research. I have never seen a believer fight and be as rude as the first type of a skeptic. And, a person with true abilities won't even bother convincing a skeptic. Why? Because it isn't worth it and there is nothing to prove.

 Many times, I notice that when there is a skeptic, I won't be able to provide them with proof because I am not meant to. And I love that, because there is no point to.So what if you tell them about their loved one or  a friend. Why bother, it's not my job to make someone a believer, mine is to help, not convince.

Monday, January 13, 2014

I do not use ...

Not sure if I mentioned this but I do not use any tarot cards, or any other form of anything. Everything that happens either happens on its own or by being invoked by thought. Many ask me if the spirits of the deceased are bothered by being contacted or tell me it's not great to bother them. Here is my answer.

When a spirit doesn't want to come they make it clear that they don't want to communicate or bothered. At times the message you need to hear will come through another soul if the one you want is unable to speak ,they will send it sometimes through an angel or G-d somehow.