Wednesday, January 7, 2015

a lot of the Mediums can talk to the dead, but how many can talk to the living Souls?

What am I talking about? I am talking about people's Higher Self. Our Souls are composed of 4-5 parts. The outer part of our Soul that isn't connected to the body is the Higher Self. I can talk to the Higher Consciousness an the Lower one. I can tell based on the communication which one I am talking to, an what that person is up to. I have had confirmations from those I spoke to, in person or on the phone, that at the moment I was talking to their HS ( Higher Self) that they felt something going on with their emotions. I don't mess with emotions of people. Their Soul an body will respond differently each time and dependent on the person. Once, I was told, that when communicating with a living Soul, to be careful with the imprint you leave on them. Because when you communicate, you leave emotional imprint on that person and it can affect their Soul and their corporeal body. So if you ever "pretend" to talk to a Soul, just make sure that the effect you are leaving on them is a positive one. Another aspect of this, is that not only do I talk to the living Souls, but I also "hear" them talk to me. They give me information about themselves and messages they want to send to another person or to you.

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