Monday, February 24, 2014

So here are my current medium experiences

I have been around on a website called reddit, which I enjoy. In the paranormal there are a lot of people who are just looking for answers and some who are there to criticize. I help people who are open minded and want answers. So far everyone I had helped I told them things they verified to be true. I know I am good at what I do but every time I help someone I feel good that I shed some light on it.

For example I told someone about their father or their pet and other things. It brings me pleasure to help people. I will normally tell people things that they haven't yet mentioned.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


So from my experience online I have learned more about skeptics. There seem to be a few types. One, no matter how nice you try to be to them, they will always come up with something to argue about playing out a war that doesn't exist, claiming they are right, having big egos and some being plain out rude calling names those who believe or can do things. They keep asking for proof and to be convinced. How can you convince someone who is asking for proof and makes fun of something you say. You can't, because until they meet someone or go through an experience that will really shock or move them, they won't believe it.

 The other type of skeptics are kinder ones. They will try to explain things scientifically and be polite, explaining that while they believe what is being told, it can be proven in science or medical research. I have never seen a believer fight and be as rude as the first type of a skeptic. And, a person with true abilities won't even bother convincing a skeptic. Why? Because it isn't worth it and there is nothing to prove.

 Many times, I notice that when there is a skeptic, I won't be able to provide them with proof because I am not meant to. And I love that, because there is no point to.So what if you tell them about their loved one or  a friend. Why bother, it's not my job to make someone a believer, mine is to help, not convince.