Monday, September 30, 2013

A little bit more in detail about me

If you ended up on my page you either were looking for it or clicked on my facebook link. Or may be you just wondered in here by chance. Whatever the case may be, you ended up on my page because something led you here. What can I do? -communicate with those who passed on -communicate with angels and angelic souls -clear out darkness ,not fully but part of it and teach you how to keep it away from yourself -see at least one or more lifetimes -give you answers about someone I don't know -astral travel to places

Now if you aren't a believer in at least in some of this then you will have your own opinion, I am sure of it and it is perfectly fine with me. In order for me to work with you though, you need to believe in what I can do and be open to it. Though your results will vary from person to person as well as session to session. As I told you in one of my posts about me, I was born with my abilities and they come from Above, I will only know what I am supposed to know about the topic. So let me explain how these things go:

Communicate with those who passed on
When someone comes to me with a request to talk to their loved one, I will think of that person and will ask the client to concentrate and think of them too as it will help us both. Next either the spirit of that soul will come or another relative or friend. Reason for that is, because the spirit doesn't want to necessarily want to communicate at that moment, which has happened before. Normally I will tell you a detail about either them or you or both. At times I might be able to tell you what they died of as well as what they saw or were thinking of at the moment of death.

Communicate with angels and angelic souls
Let's say a client comes and asks information about advice about a specific problem he or she is having. I will communicate with the Above and will either get an angel or a soul telling me the answer about it. At times I will also be able to talk to the Almighty and ask Him a question , which will require me to write things down that will not come from me either. If it is a soul from your friends or family I will describe them for you, if an angel I will normally be able to tell you which angel is talking. Yes I have "seen" them.

clear out darkness ,not fully but part of it and teach you how to keep it away from yourself
It isn't something I normally like to do but sometimes have to. When I feel it is necessary for the client to do it, I will teach them how to do it themselves. The darkness can be anything from negative feelings to negative people around you and their pressure on you.

See at least one or more lifetimes
I have seen a lot of my own lifetimes as well as friends and strangers' lifetime or two.

Give you answers about someone I don't know
I have channeled information about people the way that I do anything else, however just like everything it is up to you to understand it clearly and think about what that information means.

Astral Travel
That one is mainly for me and I don't do it for clients.

Now that you got this far, you need to understand that everything I tell you in a session is real and correct. At times I will get information that I am not allowed to pass on to you or somehow will relate to me. Also, It is up to you to interpret, as my guides only tell me something that is meant for you and on your level

You can read more posts on this blog and this one here

Sunday, September 1, 2013

so ...

when I was younger people would tell me "explore and develop your gift" , to which I would reply "I don't know if I want to and how". Now that I know someone like me, it makes it so much easier to focus and understand things. I also learned a few things about my past lives and what I can do as well. And I still get angels and answers and see things, among other things.